Category: Crossword Answers
10-December-2018 | Page 1 of 1 | Crossword Buzz Answers

  1. 1.Not as recent
  2. 2.Reef material
  3. 3.Book jacket
  4. 4.Toss
  5. 5.Excellent, informally
  6. 6.Makes a blunder
  7. 7.Prevailing tendency
  8. 8.Be in debt to
  9. 9.Thing of value
  10. 10.Eisenhower nickname
  11. 11.Lambs mother
  12. 12.Person smoothing fingernails
  13. 13.Backtalk
  14. 14.Door-opening thing
  15. 15.Take too far
  16. 16.Party givers
  17. 17.Attaches, as to a scrapbook page
  18. 18.Intuitive feeling
  19. 19.Detached by ripping
  20. 20.Stinging insect
  21. 21.Otherwise
  22. 22.And others: Abbr
  23. 23.__ and crafts (grade-school projects)
  24. 24.Informal conversations
  25. 25.Closely monitored hospital ward: Abbr
  26. 26.Smiles broadly
  27. 27.That makes sense
  28. 28.Weepers drops
  29. 29.Hot __ (alcoholic winter drink)
  30. 30.Church seat
  31. 31.Shop without planning to buy
  32. 32.Volcanos outflow
  33. 33.Grocery shoppers vehicles
  34. 34.Serves a meal to
  35. 35.Chinas continent
  36. 36.Uninteresting, informally
  37. 37.Fury
  38. 38.Repairs, as a driveway
  39. 39.Casual collarless tops
  40. 40.Toward the ocean
  41. 41.Finale
  42. 42.Muscle soreness
  43. 43.Raisin __ (cereal variety)
  44. 44.Beast known for its trunk
  45. 45.Tiny picnic invaders
  46. 46.EMTs destinations
  47. 47.Light-colored lab rodent
  48. 48.Poetry selection
  49. 49.Barely sufficient
  50. 50.Tell fibs
  51. 51.Dry as a desert
  52. 52.Kids beach sculpture
  53. 53.Pasta strand in East Asian cuisine
  54. 54.Avoid socially
  55. 55.Disneyland shuttles
  56. 56.Strong agreement in Spanish
  57. 57.Overly expressive actors
  58. 58.And so on: Abbr
  59. 59.Insurance seller
  60. 60.Declare under oath
  61. 61.Sports colleague
  62. 62.Opposite aspects of an issue
  63. 63.Where did __ wrong?
  64. 64.What an ocean is made of
  65. 65.In good __ (physically fit)
  66. 66.Civil War general Robert __
  67. 67.Sleeve of a shirt
  68. 68.Not if __ help it!
  69. 69.Waiting periods
  70. 70.Group of cattle
  71. 71.Sharp at the tip
  72. 72.Chum
  73. 73.Unwanted garden plant
  74. 74.Golden __ (senior citizen)
  75. 75.Scored 100 on
  76. 76.Chimps and gorillas
  77. 77.Train lines: Abbr
  78. 78.Fond touch